Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
electronic version 2, 2009
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Drosophilidae Rondani, 1856

Jan Máca

Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the CR, Nám. Přemysla Otakara 34, CZ-37001 České Budějovice, Czech Republic;

The Drosophilidae are small flies (mostly 2.0-4.0 mm long, exceptionally up to 7.0 mm), predominantly yellowish-brown to dull black. Two costal breaks always present. Most species may be recognized from their conspicuously plumose arista, with both dorsal and ventral rays (unlike many Ephydridae, which have only dorsal rays, if any); in three European genera the arista is only micropubescent, and  these are characterized by interfrontal and anepisternal setae absent, postocellar setae divergent, subcosta apically vestigial or confluent with R1, and anal vein well developed. The biology of the family is very diverse (Ashburner et al. 2005). Most species of the subfamily Drosophilinae concentrate around fermenting plant substrates, Lordiphosa and Scaptomyza species are common in the herb layer. Asynanthropic species occur in all terrestrial habitats, from lowlands up to alpine meadows. Some of the synanthropic species are artificially reared and are extremely important laboratory animals. Various members of the subfamily Steganinae occur near the habitats of their insect hosts or prey (mealybugs, bees, wood-boring beetles), whilst some are found around toadstools (Polyporales) and in the flower heads of thistles. Phortica variegata (Fallén, 1823) is a vector of the nematode Thelazia callipaeda. The drosophilid larvae are elongate, and have anterior spiracles with long branches that are specifically characteristic in number and shape. The puparia have a dorsoventrally compressed anterior end, and hind spiracles widely separated (Steganinae) or on closely apposed processes (Drosophilinae). The larvae of most species develop in fermenting substrates, which are often different from the substrates most frequented by the adults (Ferrar 1987, Gornostaev & Markov 1995); they feed mainly on microorganisms. Some Drosophilinae mine in living plants, and at least some Steganinae have carnivorous larvae.

More than 4000 species of Drosophilidae have been described (Bächli 2006). Only 121 species, including recent immigrants, occur in Europe and adjacent islands including the Macaronesian subregion (Bächli et al. 2004). Since the ECV1 (Máca 2006) the species number remained unchanged in the Czech Republic (but increased by one in Moravia) and it has increased by two in Slovakia. In the present checklist version,  77 species are listed: 75 from the Czech Republic (71 from Bohemia, 68 from Moravia) and 70 from Slovakia. The fauna of Drosophilidae is relatively well known in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Bächli 1988, Máca 1997, 1999, 2004, Máca & Barták 2001, Papp 2000, Máca et al. 2005).  For that reason, the abovementioned numbers have not been recently substantially changed.

A monograph of this family, dealing with most European species and relevant for the study of the species in the Czech Republic, has been published by Bächli et al. (2004). Useful information on Drosophilidae from the Czech Republic and Slovakia can be also found in monographs dealing with individual genera or in primarily faunistic papers, as reviewed by Máca and Barták (2001).


[1] Ashburner M., Golic K.G. & Hawley R.S. 2005: Drosophila. A laboratory handbook. Second edition. Cold Spring Harbor: Laboratory Press. 1409 pp.

[2] Bächli G. 1988: Die Drosophiliden-Arten in der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien  90 (B): 131-148.

[3] Bächli G. 2006: TaxoDros, the database on taxonomy of Drosophilidae. <>. Retrieved 27.10.2009.

[4] Bächli G. Vilela C.R., Escher S.A. & Saura A. 2004: The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomol. Scand., 39. Brill, Leiden and Boston. 362 pp.

[5] Ferrar P. 1987: A guide to breeding habits and immature stages of Diptera Cyclorrhapha. Entomonograph, Vol. 8. E.J. Brill and Scand. Sci. Press, Leiden and Copenhagen, 907 pp.

[6] Gornostaev N.G. & Markov A.V. 1995: The comparative analysis of ecological groups in Drosophilidae of the former USSR and the structure of the family's adaptive zone. Zhurnal obshchei biologii 56: 554-569.

[7] Máca J. 1997: Drosophilidae. In Chvála M. (ed.): Check List of Diptera (Insecta) of the Czech and Slovak Republics, Karolinum, Praha, pp. 86-87.

[8] Máca J. 1999: Camillidae,  Drosophilidae, Diastatidae. In Rozkošný R. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO II. Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 100: 359-364.

[9] Máca J. 2004: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics, Diptera. Drosophilidae, Odiniidae. In Kubík Š. & Barták M. (eds): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 11. Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 109: 334.

[10] Máca J. 2006: Drosophilidae Rondani,1856. In Jedlička, L., Stloukalová V. & Kúdela, M. (eds): Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Electronic version 1. <http://zoology.fns.>. Retrieved 27.10.2009.

[11] Máca  J. & Barták  M.  2001: Drosophilidae. In Barták  M. & Vaňhara J. (eds):  Diptera in an industrially affected region (North-Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov environs), II. Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 105: 429-434.

[12] Máca J., Kubík Š. & Barták M. 2005: Drosophilidae. In Barták M. & Kubík Š. (eds): Diptera of Podyjí National Park and its environs, Česká zemědělská univerzita, Praha, pp. 349-354.

[13] Máca J. & Roháček J. 2009: Drosophilidae. In Roháček J. & Ševčík J. (eds): Diptera of the Poľana Protected Landscape Area – Biosphere Reserve (Central Slovakia). SNC SR, Administration of the PLA – BR Poľana, Zvolen, pp. 271-276.

[14] Papp L. 2000: Two new species of Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Central Europe. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 46: 249-257.

[15] Ševčík J. & Máca J. 2007: Faunistic records from Czech Republic and Slovakia. Drosophilidae. In Stloukalová V. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca, Vol. 14. Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comenianae 47: 258-259.

Leucophenga Mik, 1886
hungarica Papp, 2000  CZ (B M ) SK
maculata (Dufour, 1839)  CZ   (B M ) SK
quinquemaculata Strobl, 1893  CZ   (B M ) SK
Stegana Meigen, 1830
Stegana s. str.
furta (Linnaeus, 1767)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Steganina Wheeler, 1960
coleoptrata (Scopoli, 1763)  CZ   (B M ) SK
consimilis Papp & Máca, 2000  SK
hypoleuca Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B ) SK
longifibula Takada, 1968  CZ   (B M ) SK
mehadiae Duda, 1924  CZ   (B M ) SK
nigrithorax Strobl, 1898 CZ (B ) SK
similis Laštovka & Máca, 1982  CZ   (B M ) SK
Acletoxenus Frauenfeld, 1868
formosus (Loew, 1864)  CZ   (B M )
Amiota Loew, 1862
albilabris (Roth in Zetterstedt, 1860)  CZ   (B M ) SK
alboguttata (Wahlberg, 1839)  CZ   (B M ) SK
basdeni Fonseca, 1965  CZ   (B M ) SK
collini Beuk & Máca, 1995  CZ   (B ) SK
filipes Máca, 1980  CZ   (B M )
flavopruinosa Duda, 1934  CZ   (B M )
rufescens (Oldenberg, 1914)  CZ   (B ) SK
subtusradiata Duda, 1934 CZ   ( M )
Phortica Schiner, 1862
semivirgo (Máca, 1977)  CZ   (B M ) SK
variegata (Fallén, 1823)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Cacoxenus Loew, 1858
Cacoxenus s. str.
indagator Loew, 1858  CZ   (B M ) SK
Paracacoxenus D. E. Hardy, 1960
kaszabi (Okada, 1973)  CZ   (B ) SK
Gitona Meigen, 1830
distigma Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B M ) SK
Chymomyza Czerny, 1903
amoena (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
caudatula Oldenberg, 1914  CZ   (B M ) SK
costata (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
distincta (Egger, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
fuscimana (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Drosophila Fallén, 1823
Dorsilopha Sturtevant, 1942
busckii Coquillett, 1901  CZ   (B M ) SK
Drosophila s.str.
funebris (Fabricius, 1787)  CZ   (B M ) SK
histrio Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B M ) SK
hydei Sturtevant, 1921  CZ   (B M ) SK
immigrans Sturtevant, 1921  CZ   (B M ) SK
kuntzei Duda, 1924  CZ   (B M ) SK
limbata von Roser, 1840  CZ   (B M ) SK
littoralis Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B M ) SK
lummei Hackman, 1972  CZ   (B M ) SK
phalerata Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B M ) SK
picta Zetterstedt, 1847  CZ   (B M ) SK
repleta Wollaston, 1858  CZ   (B M ) SK
testacea von Roser, 1840  CZ   (B M ) SK
transversa Fallén, 1823  CZ   (B M ) SK
unimaculata Strobl, 1893  CZ   (B M ) SK
virilis Sturtevant, 1921  CZ   (B M ) SK
Sophophora Sturtevant, 1939
alpina Burla, 1948  CZ   (B M ) SK
ambigua Pomini, 1940  CZ   (B M ) SK
bifasciata Pomini, 1940  CZ   (B M )
helvetica Burla, 1948  CZ   (B )  SK
melanogaster Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B M ) SK
obscura Fallén, 1823  CZ   (B M ) SK
silvestris Basden, 1954  CZ   (B M ) SK
simulans Sturtevant, 1919  CZ   (B M )
subobscura Collin in Gordon, 1936  CZ   (B M ) SK
tristis Fallén, 1823  CZ   (B M ) SK
Spinodrosophila Duda, 1924
nigrosparsa Strobl, 1898  CZ   (B M ) SK
Hirtodrosophila Duda, 1924
cameraria (Haliday, 1833)  CZ   (B M )  SK
confusa (Staeger, 1844)  CZ   (B M ) SK
lundstroemi (Duda, 1935) CZ (B M ) SK
oldenbergi (Duda, 1924) CZ M SK
toyohiokadai (Sidorenko, 1990) SK
trivittata (Strobl, 1893)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Lordiphosa Basden, 1961
acuminata (Collin, 1952)  CZ   (B M ) SK
andalusiaca (Strobl, 1906)  CZ   (B M ) SK
fenestrarum (Fallén, 1823)  CZ   (B M ) SK
hexasticha (Papp, 1971)  CZ   (B M ) SK
miki (Duda, 1924)  CZ   ( M ) SK
Microdrosophila Malloch, 1921
congesta (Zetterstedt, 1847)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Mycodrosophila Oldenberg, 1914
poecilogastra (Loew, 1874) CZ ( M ) SK
Scaptodrosophila Duda, 1923
deflexa (Duda, 1924)  CZ   (B M ) SK
rufifrons (Loew, 1873)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Scaptomyza J. Hardy, 1849
Parascaptomyza Duda, 1924
pallida (Zetterstedt, 1847)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Scaptomyza s. str.
consimilis Hackman, 1955  CZ   (B )
flava (Fallén, 1823)  CZ   (B M ) SK
graminum (Fallén, 1823)  CZ   (B M ) SK
griseola (Zetterstedt, 1847)  CZ   (B M ) SK