Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
electronic version 2, 2009
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Fanniidae Schnabl, 1911

František Gregor1 & Rudolf Rozkošný2

1 Loosova 14, CZ-638 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic;

The Fanniidae are mostly small to medium-sized (3.0-5.0 mm, rarely up to 9.0 mm) calyptrate muscoid flies. Colour mostly dark, but legs and abdomen sometimes partly or entirely yellow. Male eyes touching or nearly so. Female fronto-orbital plates usually convex on inner side. Subcosta on wing straight in apical half, and anal vein short and bow-shaped. Hind tibia with a single submedian seta in dorsal position. The larvae are somewhat flattened dorsoventrally, with longitudinal rows of dorsal and lateral plumate processes and the posterior spiracles placed on finger-like projections. The larvae are generally saprophagous and feed mostly on decaying organic matter. A relatively large number of species has been reared from various fungi, whilst other larvae are known to live in birds’ nests, burrows of vertebrates, and nests of social Hymenoptera. F. vespertilionis is closely associated with bat roosts. The adults are originally inhabitants of forests, and are thus relatively rare in open landscapes and wetlands. Several species have a close association with man and the refuse he produces. Females are usually attracted to decaying material and excrement, whilst a few are secretophagous and attack cattle in pastures and perspiring humans in summer (chiefly F. armata).

In total 83 species in three genera are known to occur in Europe (Gregor & Rozkošný 2005, Pont 2007, Rozkošný et al. 1997), and 66 of them are listed in the present checklist: 64 from the Czech Republic (60 from Bohemia and 60 from Moravia) and 50 from Slovakia. Since the PCV2 (Gregor & Rozkošný 1997), the number of species in the Czech Republic has increased by five (eight in Bohemia and six in Moravia) and in Slovakia also by five. About 15 additional species may be expected from Slovakia. Some recent records from Slovakia published by V. Straka (e.g. Straka 2005, Straka & Majzlan 2007) miss data on sex and number of specimens and need confirmation by a specialist.

The general characteristics of the Fanniidae in the Palaearctic region were recently given by Pont (2000). The identification of the Central European species is possible using the keys in the review of the European species (Rozkošný et al. 1997), which also summarises all the available data on the morphology of immature stages and adults, development and biology, medical, hygienic and economic importance, and distribution. Recently Pont (2002) has proposed some new synonyms based on a study of Zetterstedt´s types.

For financial support, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and the Masaryk University, Brno (grant No. MSM 0021622416) are acknowledged.


[1] Gregor F. & Barták M. 2001: Fanniidae. In Barták M. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera in an industrially affected region (north-western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov environs) II. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 105: 463-467.

[2] Gregor F., Barták M. & Rozkošný R. 2003: New records of interesting Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) from the Czech Republic and some other European countries. Studia dipterologica 10: 331-337.

[3] Gregor F. & Rozkošný R. 1997: Fanniidae. In Chvála M. (ed.): Check List of Diptera (Insecta) of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Karolinum – Charles University Press, Prague, p. 93.

[4] Gregor F. & Rozkošný R. 1999: Fanniidae. In Rozkošný R. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO II. Folia Facultatis  Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 100: 387-392.

[5] Gregor F. & Rozkošný R. 2005: A new species of Fannia from Central Europe (Diptera, Fanniidae). Biologia, Bratislava 60: 519-522.

[6] Gregor F. & Rozkošný R. 2007: Thricops albibasalis (Zetterstedt, 1849) and some other records of interesting Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) from Central Europe. Studia dipterologica 13 (2006): 333-335.

[7] Gregor, F. & Rozkošný, R. 2009: Fanniidae. In Roháček J. & Ševčík J. (eds): Diptera of the Poľana Protected Landscape Area – Biosphere Reserve (Central Slovakia). SNC SR, Administration of the PLA – BR Poľana, Zvolen, pp. 293-295.

[8] Gregor F., Rozkošný R., Barták M. & Kubík Š. 2005: Fanniidae. In Barták M. & Kubík Š. (eds): Diptera of Podyjí National Park and its environs. Česká zemědělská univerzita, Praha, pp. 372-378.

[9] Pont A.C. 2000: Family Fanniidae. In Papp L. & Darvas B. (eds): Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera (with special reference to flies of economic importance). Appendix. Science Herald, Budapest, pp. 447-454.

[10] Pont A.C. 2002: The Fanniidae (Diptera) described by J. W. Zetterstedt. Insect Systematict & Evolution 33: 103-112.

[11] Pont A.C. 2007: Fauna Europaea: Fanniidae. In Pape T. (ed.): Fauna Europaea: Diptera, Brachycera. Fauna Europaea version 1.3. <>. Retrieved 07.08.2009.

[12] Rozkošný R., Gregor F. & Pont A.C. 1997: The European Fanniidae (Diptera). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Academiae Scientiarum Bohemicae, Brno (N.S.) 31(2): 1-80.

[13] Straka V. 2005: Dvojkrídlovce (Diptera) Súľovských skál. Flies (Diptera) of the protected nature reserve Súľovské skaly rocks. Zborník Slovenského národného múzea v Martine, Kmetianum 10: 198-218.

[14] Straka V. & Majzlan O. 2007: Dvojkrídlovce (Diptera) PR Ostrov Kopáč při Bratislave, In: Majzlan, O. (ed.): Príroda ostrova Kopáč. Fytoterapia OZ, Bratislava, pp. 233-260. 

Piezura Rondani, 1866
graminicola (Zetterstedt, 1846) CZ (B M ) SK in PCV2 as P. boletorum (Rondani, 1866) [10]
pardalina Rondani, 1866 CZ (B M ) SK in PCV2 as P. graminicola (Zetterstedt, 1846) [10]
Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 
aequilineata Ringdahl, 1945  CZ (B M ) SK
armata (Meigen, 1826)  CZ (B M ) SK
alpina Pont, 1970 CZ (B )
atra (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
atripes Stein, 1916 CZ (B M )
barbata (Stein, 1892)  CZ (B M ) SK
canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761)  CZ (B M ) SK
carbonaria (Meigen, 1826)  CZ (B M ) SK
carbonella (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
clara Collin, 1939  CZ (B M )
coracina (Loew, 1873)  CZ (B M ) SK
corvina (Verrall, 1892)  CZ (B M ) SK
cothurnata (Loew, 1873)  CZ ( M ) SK
difficilis (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
fasciculata (Loew, 1873) CZ ( M )
fuscitibia Stein, 1920 CZ (B M )
fuscula (Fallén, 1825)  CZ (B M ) SK
genualis (Stein, 1895) CZ (B M ) SK
hirticeps (Stein, 1892)  CZ (B M ) SK
immutica Collin, 1939  CZ (B M ) SK
incisurata (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ (B M ) SK
krimensis Ringdahl, 1934  CZ ( M ) SK
latipalpis (Stein, 1892)  CZ (B M ) SK
lepida (Wiedemann, 1817)  CZ (B M ) SK
leucosticta (Meigen, 1838)  CZ (B M ) SK
limbata (Tiensuu, 1938)  CZ (B )
lineata (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M )
lucidula (Zetterstedt, 1860)  CZ (B M ) SK in PCV2 as F. glaucescens (Zetterstedt, 1845) [10]
lustrator (Harris, 1780)  CZ (B M ) SK
manicata (Meigen, 1826)  CZ (B M ) SK
melania (Dufour, 1839) SK
metallipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ (B M ) SK
minutipalpis (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
mollissima (Haliday in Westwood, 1840)  CZ (B M ) SK
monilis (Haliday, 1838)  CZ (B M ) SK
nidica Collin, 1939  CZ (B M )
nigra Malloch, 1910  CZ (B M )
norvegica Ringdahl, 1934 CZ (B )
ornata (Meigen, 1826)  CZ (B M ) SK
pallitibia (Rondani, 1866)  CZ (B M ) SK
parva (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
pauli Pont in Rozkošný, Gregor & Pont, 1997  CZ (B M ) SK
polychaeta (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
postica (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
posticata (Meigen, 1826)  CZ (B M ) SK
pruinosa (Meigen, 1826)  CZ (B M ) SK
pseudonorvegica d’Assis-Fonseca, 1966 CZ (B )
ringdahlana Collin, 1939  CZ (B M ) SK
rondanii (Strobl, 1893)  CZ (B M ) SK
scalaris (Fabricius, 1794)  CZ (B M ) SK
serena (Fallén, 1825)  CZ (B M ) SK
similis (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
slovaca Gregor & Rozkošný, 2005 SK
sociella (Zetterstedt, 1845)  CZ (B M ) SK
spathiophora Malloch, 1918 CZ (B M )
speciosa (Villeneuve, 1898)  CZ (B M )
subpubescens Collin, 1958  CZ (B M ) SK
subsimilis Ringdahl, 1934  CZ (B M ) SK
tuberculata (Zetterstedt, 1849)  CZ (B M )
umbratica Collin, 1939  CZ (B M ) SK
umbrosa (Stein, 1895)  CZ (B M ) SK
verrallii (Stein, 1895) CZ (B M )
vesparia (Meade, 1891)  CZ (B M ) SK
vespertilionis Ringdahl, 1934 CZ ( M )