An ancient but not
numerous family of small, dark species, varying in size from 0.5 to
5.0 mm. Body not pollinose, and sporadic pubescence less frequent.
Third antennal segment longer than the first two segments combined,
with a two-segmented style. Vein R4+5
characteristic and
unbranched, and costal vein continuing around wing to end of anal
vein. Hypandrium of male genitalia well developed, and epandrium
always with a dorsal cleft. Females with hind margin of 9th
tergum and cerci covered with hairs.
A total of 350 species
is known worldwide (Zajcev
1991). In Europe the family is represented by 23 species in six
genera (Greathead
2007), but only one species (Glabellula arctica
(Zetterstedt, 1838)) is known
within the area of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Its occurrence
is confirmed by records from Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia (Bosák
& Barták 2000,
Evenhuis & Bosák 1997,
Greathead et al. 2005). Andersson (1974)
published details on the biology of G. arctica (larvae and adults), including descriptions of the last larval stage
morphology, pupa, and male and female terminalia.