Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
electronic version 2, 2009
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Pipunculidae Walker, 1834

Pavel Lauterer

Moravian Museum, Department of Entomology, Hviezdoslavova 29a, CZ-627 00 Brno-Slatina, Czech Republic;

Small to medium-sized (2.0-12.0 mm), mostly dark coloured flies, a few species with a yellow pattern; body mostly dusted grey. Head subhemispherical (Chalarinae), hemispherical (Nephrocerinae), or nearly spherical (Pipunculinae), on an extremely narrow conical cervix. Compound eyes covering almost the whole head surface, in males usually contiguous (except Chalarinae), in females mostly with enlarged frontal ommatidia; three ocelli present. Antenna varying in colour, with 3 segments; segments 1-2 small, segment 3 large, laterally flattened, oval-shaped, or reniform, or ventrally prolonged, obtuse or acuminate at apex. Mouthparts muscoid. Thorax robust, with groups of bristles defining the different genera; legs with well-developed pulvilli. Wings long and narrow, hyaline, sometimes infuscated brown; all the species are very skilled fliers. Abdomen slender and elongate. Male postabdomen with segments 6 and 7 asymmetric, twisted towards the left. Female postabdomen with segments 7-9 forming the ovipositor, segment 9 modified into a piercer; 3 spermathecae present. The Nephrocerinae are parasitoids of Tipulidae (Skevington 2005), and the other subfamilies are endoparasitoids of Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha (Hemiptera). The females deposit eggs into the haemocoel of the host. Larval development passes through two instars, with the mature larva emerging from the host through a hole made in the intersegmental membrane and pupating in the soil.

Altogether more than 1390 valid species are known worldwide, and 217 are known to occur in Europe (De Meyer 2007, Kehlmaier 2006, 2008, Kehlmaier & Assmann 2008); 122 species are listed in the present checklist: 112 in the Czech Republic (89 in Bohemia, 93 in Moravia), and 99 in Slovakia. Since the ECV1, the number of species in consequence  of new discovered synonymy has decreased by one in the Czech Republic (one in Bohemia and two in Moravia) and by three in Slovakia. The pipunculid fauna of both the Czech Republic and Slovakia is well known compared to other European countries.

The basic characteristics of the family are given by Kozánek et al. (1998) and also in most modern taxonomic revisions (e.g. Albrecht 1990, Kehlmaier 2005, 2006, 2008). Most genera have been revised recently. The nomenclature in the present checklist follows the Fauna Europaea (De Meyer 2007), and the recent taxonomical changes (Kehlmaier 2006, 2008, Kehlmaier & Asmann 2008).


[1] Albrecht A. 1990: Revision, phylogeny and classification of the genus Dorylomorpha (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Acta zoologica fennica 188: 1- 240.

[2] Dunk von der K. & Lauterer P. 1998: More details on the rare Eudorylas furvulus Collin and Microcephalops opacus (Fallén) comb.n. (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientae biologicae 82: 163-171.

[3] Földvári M. & DeMeyer M. 1999: Revision of Central and West European Tomosvaryella Aczél species (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Acta zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae 45: 299-334.

[4] Kehlmaier C. 2005: Taxonomic revision of European Eudorylini (Insecta, Diptera, Pipunculidae). Verhandlungen des  naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (N.F.) 41: 45-353.

[5] Kehlmaier C. 2006:  The West- Palaearctic species of Jassidophaga Aczél  and Verrallia Mik described up to 1966 (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Ser. A (Zoologie)  697: 1-34.

[6] Kehlmaier C. 2008: Finnish Pipunculidae (Diptera) studies. Part I. Taxonomic notes on Cephalops Fallén, 1810, Pipunculus Latreille, 1802 and Tomosvaryella Aczél, 1939. Zootaxa 1672: 1-47.

[7] Kehlmaier C. & Assmann T. 2008:  The European species of Chalarus Walker, 1834 revisited. Zootaxa 1936: 1-39.

[8] Kozánek M. 2009: Pipunculidae. In Roháček J. & Ševčík J. (eds): Diptera of the Požana Protected Landscape Area – Biosphere Reserve (Central Slovakia). SNC SR, Administration of the PLA – BR Požana, Zvolen, pp. 178-183.

[9] Kozánek M. & Barták M. 2000: Pipunculidae. In Barták M. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera in an industrially affected region (North- Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov environs), I. Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 104: 237-240.

[10] Kozánek M. & Belcari A. 1995: Contribution to the knowledge of the pipunculid fauna of Italy (Diptera Pipunculidae). Bolletino della Società Entomologica Italiana 127: 159-178.

[11] Kozánek M.,  DeMeyer M. & Albrecht A. 1998: 3.6 Family Pipunculidae. In Papp L. & Darvas B. (eds): Contributions to a manual of Palaearctic Diptera (with special reference to flies of economic importance). Vol. 3. Science Herald, Budapest, pp. 141-150.

[12] Kozánek M. & Kehlmaier C. 2004: Pipunculidae of Slovakia: additions and corrections to faunal list, with a description of a new Eudorylas (Diptera). Entomological Problems 34: 21-35.

[13] Kuznetzov S.Yu. 1993: A new European species of Tomosvaryella (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zoosystematica Rossica 2: 177-178.

[14] Lauterer P. 1998: Pipunculidae. In Rozkošný R. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve UNESCO, I. Folia Facultatis Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 99: 215-219.

[15] Lauterer P. 2003: First reports of some Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia with a note from Germany. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientae biologicae 88: 31-35.

[16] Lauterer P. 2009: First record of Tomosvaryella rossica (Diptera: Pipunculidae) from the Czech Republic. Folia faunistica Slovaca 14: 99-100.

[17] Lauterer P. & Malenovský I. 2006: New records of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from the Czech Republic. Entomofauna carpathica 18: 38.

[18] Lauterer P., Malenovský I. & Janšta P. 2002: Taxocenózy křísů a mer (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha et Psylloidea) a jejich parazitoidů (Diptera: Pipunculidae, Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) dvou biotopů Rokytenských slepenců. Přírodovědný sborník Západomoravského Muzea v Třebíči 40: 61-81.

[19] DeMeyer M. 1994: Phylogenetic relationships within the Cephalopsini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie 130: 7-18.

[20] DeMeyer M. 2007: Fauna Europaea: Pipunculidae. In Pape T. (ed.): Fauna Europaea: Diptera, Brachycera. Fauna Europaea version 1.3. <>. Retrieved 29.06.2009.

[21] Skevington J.H. 2005: Revision of Nearctic Nephrocerus Zetterstedt (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Zootaxa 977: 1-36.

[22] Skevington J.H. & Yeates D.K. 2001: Phylogenetic classification of Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Systematic Entomology 26: 421-452.

Chalarus Walker, 1834
argenteus Coe, 1966 CZ   (B M )
basalis Loew, 1873  CZ   (B M )
brevicaudis Jervis, 1992  CZ   (B M ) SK
clarus Jervis, 1992 CZ ( M )
decorus Jervis, 1992 CZ   ( M ) SK
exiguus (Haliday, 1833) CZ ( M ) SK
fimbriatus Coe, 1966  CZ   (B M ) SK
griseus Coe, 1966 CZ ( M ) in PCV2 and ECV1 as C. parmenteri sensu Jervis, 1992 nec Coe, 1966 [7]
gynocephalus Jervis, 1992  CZ   ( M )
holosericeus (Meigen, 1824) CZ ( M ) SK in ECV1 as C. perplexus Jervis, 1992 and C. parmenteri Coe, 1966 [7]
indistinctus Jervis, 1992 CZ ( M ) SK
juliae Jervis, 1992 SK
latifrons Hardy, 1943  CZ   (B M ) SK
longicaudis Jervis, 1992 CZ (B )
pughi Coe, 1966  CZ   (B M ) SK
spurius (Fallén, 1816)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Verrallia Mik, 1899
aucta (Fallén, 1817)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Jassidophaga Aczél, 1939
beatricis (Coe, 1966)  CZ   (B M ) SK
fasciata (von Roser, 1840) CZ (B M ) SK in ECV1 as J. setosa (Verrall, 1901) [5]
pilosa (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B ) SK
villosa (von Roser, 1840)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Nephrocerus Zetterstedt, 1838
flavicornis Zetterstedt, 1844  CZ ( M ) SK
lapponicus Zetterstedt, 1838  CZ   (B M ) SK
scutellatus (Macquart, 1834 )  CZ   (B ) SK
Pipunculus Latreille, 1802
calceatus von Roser, 1840  CZ   (B M ) SK
campestris Latreille, 1802  CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 & ECV1 as P. thomsoni Becker, 1897 and partly as P. spinipes Meigen, 1830 [6] also
elegans Egger, 1860  CZ (B M ) SK in ECV1 partly as P. spinipes auct. nec Meigen, 1830 [6]
fonsecai Coe, 1966  CZ (B M ) SK
lichtwardti Kozánek, 1981  SK
oldenbergi Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M ) SK
omissinervis Becker, 1889  CZ (B ) SK
tenuirostris Kozánek, 1981  CZ   (B M ) SK
wolfi Kowarz, 1887 CZ (B ) supposed as valid species, in PCV2 & ECV1 as part of P. campestris Latreille, 1802 [6]
zugmayeriae Kowarz, 1887  CZ   (B M ) SK
Cephalosphaera Enderlein, 1936
furcata (Egger, 1860)  CZ   (B M ) SK
germanica Aczél, 1940  CZ   ( M ) SK
Cephalops Fallén, 1810 in PCV2 the genus Cephalops was not divided in subgenera [19]
Cephalops Fallén, 1810
aeneus Fallén, 1810  CZ   (B M ) SK
vittipes (Zetterstedt, 1844)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Parabeckerias DeMeyer, 1994
obtusinervis (Zetterstedt, 1844)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Semicephalops DeMeyer, 1994
carinatus (Verrall, 1901)  CZ   (B M ) SK
perspicuus (de Meijere, 1905)  CZ   ( M ) SK
signatus (Becker, 1900)  CZ   (B M ) SK
subultimus Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M ) SK
ultimus (Becker, 1900)  CZ   (B M ) SK
varipes (Meigen, 1824) CZ (B M ) SK in PCV2 and ECV1 as Pipunculus varipes and C. semifumosus [6]
Beckerias Aczél, 1939 in PCV2 as genus [12]
pannonicus (Aczél, 1939) CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 as B. pannonicus Aczél, 1939 [19]
Microcephalops DeMeyer, 1989
opacus (Fallén, 1816)  CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 as M. vestitus (Becker. 1900) and Eudorylas opacus (Fallén, 1816) [3], in ECV1 misprinted as omniupacus
Claraeola Aczél, 1940 
agnosta Kehlmaier, 2005 CZ ( M )
clavata (Becker, 1897) SK
halterata (Meigen, 1838) SK
melanostola (Becker, 1897) CZ   ( M ) in PCV2 in the genus Eudorylas [22]
Clistoabdominalis Skevington, 2001
electus (Hardy, 1947)  CZ   (B ) in PCV2 in the genus Eudorylas [22]
ruralis (Meigen, 1824)  CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 in the genus Eudorylas [22]
Dasydorylas Skevington, 2001
holosericeus (Becker, 1897) CZ   (B ) in PCV2 as Eudorylas demeyeri Kozánek, 1993 [22]
horridus (Becker, 1897)  CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 as Eudorylas horridus (Becker) [22]
roseri (Becker, 1897) CZ (B ) SK
Eudorylas Aczél, 1940
arcanus Coe, 1966 CZ (B )
bartaki Kozánek, 1993  CZ (B ) SK
carpathicus Kozánek, 1993 CZ (B ) SK
coloratus (Becker, 1897) CZ (B ) SK
elephas (Becker, 1897)  CZ   (B M ) SK
fascipes (Zetterstedt, 1844)  CZ   (B M ) SK
furvulus Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M )
fuscipes (Zetterstedt, 1844)  CZ   (B M ) SK
fusculus (Zetterstedt, 1844) CZ   (B M ) SK
gemellus Kehlmaier, 2005 CZ (B M )
gonnerdorfensis Dempewolf et Dunk, 1996 CZ (B ) SK
inferus Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M ) SK
jenkinsoni Coe, 1966  CZ   (B M ) SK
kataplisso Kehlmaier, 2005 CZ (B )
kowarzi (Becker, 1897)  CZ (B ) SK
longifrons Coe, 1966  CZ   (B ) SK
montium (Becker, 1897)  CZ   (B M ) SK
nemoralis Kozánek, 1993  SK
obliquus Coe, 1966  CZ   (B M ) SK
obscurus Coe, 1966  CZ   (B M ) SK
okalii Kozánek et Kehlmaier, 2004 CZ (B M ) SK
quinquepertitus Kehlmaier, 2005 CZ ( M )
restrictus Coe, 1966  CZ   (B M ) SK
slovacus Kozánek, 1993  CZ   (B M ) SK
subfascipes Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M ) SK
subterminalis Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M ) SK
terminalis (Thomson, 1870)  CZ   (B M ) SK
triangularis Kehlmaier, 2005 SK
unicolor (Zetterstedt, 1844) SK
vineti Dempewolf, 1996 CZ (B )
vonderdunki Dempewolf, 1998 CZ (B ) SK
zermattensis (Becker, 1897)  CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 also as E. imperfectus (Becker, 1921) [4]
zonatus (Zetterstedt, 1849)  CZ   ( M ) SK
zonellus Collin, 1956  CZ   (B M ) SK
Dorylomorpha Aczél, 1939
Dorylomyia Albrecht, 1990
beckeri (Aczél, 1935)  CZ   (B M )
incognita (Verrall, 1901)  CZ   (B M ) SK
xanthocera (Kowarz, 1887)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Dorylomyza Albrecht, 1990
albitarsis (Zetterstedt, 1844)  CZ   (B M ) SK
anderssoni Albrecht, 1979 CZ (B )
clavifemora Coe, 1966  CZ   ( M )
fennica Albrecht , 1979  CZ   (B M ) SK
hungarica (Aczél, 1939)  CZ   (B M ) SK
infirmata (Collin, 1937) CZ   ( M ) SK
lautereri Albrecht , 1990  CZ   ( M ) SK
platystylis Albrecht , 1979  CZ   ( M ) SK
praetermissa Albrecht , 1979  SK
xanthopus (Thomson, 1870)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Dorylomorpha s. str.
aczeli Hardy, 1947  CZ   (B M ) SK
confusa (Verrall, 1901)  CZ   (B M ) SK
extricata (Collin, 1937)  CZ   (B M ) SK
imparata (Collin, 1937)  CZ   (B M ) SK
rufipes (Meigen, 1824)  CZ   ( M ) SK
Pipunculina Albrecht, 1990
borealis (Wahlgren, 1910)  CZ   ( M ) SK
maculata (Walker, 1834)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Tomosvaryella Aczél, 1939
cilitarsis (Strobl, 1910)  SK in PCV2 and ECV1 record for CZ (M) was misidentification of T. rossica Kuznetzov [16]
coquilletti (Kertész, 1907)  CZ   (B M ) SK
freidbergi DeMeyer, 1995 CZ (B M )
geniculata (Meigen, 1824)  CZ   (B M ) SK
hortobagyiensis Földvári et DeMeyer, 1999 CZ ( M )
israelensis DeMeyer, 1995 SK
kuthyi Aczél, 1944  CZ   (B M ) SK
minima (Becker, 1897) CZ (B M ) SK
minuscula (Collin, 1956) CZ ( M ) SK in ECV1 as T. magyarica Földvári et DeMeyer, 1999 [6]
palliditarsis (Collin, 1931)  CZ   (B M ) SK
rossica Kuznetzov, 1993 CZ ( M ) in PCV2 and ECV1 recorded for CZ (M) as T. cilitarsis (Strobl, 1910) [13]
sylvatica (Meigen, 1824)  CZ   (B M ) SK