The monotypic genus
Sciarosoma Chandler, 2002 was only recently described. The
general appearance of the adults is very similar to Sciaridae, but
the eyes are not connected, the maxillary palps are five-segmented and
the structure of the male genitalia is different. The larval
morphology and biology is unknown. Sciarosoma had been
assigned to the family Sciaridae comprising the subfamily
Sciarosominae (Hippa
& Vilkamaa 2005), but this opinion was not supported
consequently by other workers on this group (Jaschhof
et. al. 2006) in their extensive description and discussion of
this genus. As the systematics of the basal groups of Sciaroidea is
still unclear and a matter for dispute, the genus remains here unassigned to any
family of Sciaroidea as it was done in the Fauna Europaea (Chandler
2007). Two paratypes of the only known species Sciarosoma
borealis Chandler, 2002 were recorded from Bohemia (Chandler
2002). There are still no known records from Moravia and
Slovakia, but its presence there is probable.